Sunday, June 28, 2009


If you don't have "Site Counter" installed at your blog(s), it's worth the 5 minutes it takes to set-up. It basically tells you how many people have visited your site, daily, weekly, etc. And, it's totally free. I have noticed over the last week or two alot more visitors to my site. The visitors aren't commenting, which is too bad, as I really appreciate any/all feedback, but that's ok. Some may get here via RedsArmy, as I comment over there under KobeWearsAPurpleThong, and if you click my screename, it will generally link you here. I add different cool links that I find to my screename too sometimes. So, in closing, lol, whoever you are, hope you enjoy my site and feel free to comment on it. Good, bad or indifferent-it's all welcome. And if you are a C's fan and haven't checked out, it's worth a look...

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